Story Night: 1000 Years of Solitude
I wrote this collection of stories following my sessions of retrocognition (past life regression) with my hypnotherapist friend. I have been examining patterns of my life based on my family and nation’s history for decades, experienced a number of self-development paths until I decided to find out more about altered states of consciousness. Having engrossed in shamanic journeying techniques and meditation practices of yoga, I decided to delve deeper into my latent, subliminal memories and stretch my imagination to pursue my writing career in a more intense way. I tend to resort to my significant dreams and emerging images in a waking state at times, but the sessions I have undertaken with a professional provided me with a treasure trove of material from Persian times to the modern age. This process gave me the chance of retrieving information that I validated later (e.g. by travelling to the venues I have seen).
It has been one of my most exciting journeys that embraces a thousand years (hence the title ’1000 Years of Solitude’, also inspired by the magical realism masterpiece of Marquez): I have managed to put together the puzzle of my own psyche, with the aim of doing service to others. With the aim of bringing people together in the traditional way (open fire possible but not essential), I am organising small community events where friends or even complete strangers with a common range of interests have the opportunity to get together.
As I am the initiator of these gatherings, I share a story about my life first to serve as an entrée or possible inspiration for participants to stand up and share what they feel appropriate that night. Depictions of current life situations, or sharing visions for the future are also welcome, and you can attend as a listener if you wish or feel a bit shy to tell your story. These events also serve the aim of triggering in-depth and informal discussions, and, last but not least, they provide a platform for flesh-and-blood personal encounters as an alternative to online space and interaction. Locations vary (private apartments, community venues, art galleries, bookshops and parks), depending on season and audience.
My other works
The Apparition
She had sensed the change in the dawn air. The potent midsummer breeze forged its way through the blinds and stirred up a vivid dream from her long latent subconscious. Almost a year had passed without his presence and she had made painstaking efforts to banish any...
An unexpected gift
The irritating beeping of his mobile struck him by surprise in his winter blues. ’Are you home in an hour? Can I drop by?’ The message was from his cousin who in the everyday world was called Evelyn, but he’d called her the grey witch long before she started to claim...
Maria liked watching her husband while he was reading. A noticeable air of dignity, an ambiance almost sacred surrounded the beloved figure, the frown on his forehead while concentrating just made her even more inclined to run up to him and distract him. However,...